Our in-company approach is an ideal approach when you need a training tailored to your specific business needs. We then can focus on those topics that are essential to your business and dive deeper into questions and problems that fir your needs.!
All our training courses can also be organised as in-company courses tailored to you needs.
In the development of a tailor-made training we work as follows:
Zelco first examines the scope of the in-company training during a first introductory interview. An initial brainstorming session is already taking place about the content and duration of the training.
After the introductory interview we will perform a preliminary examination of 0.5 or 1 manday.
By means of observations and interviews with management and employees, we will get to know the organisation and gather the information needed to develop a training concept that is fully in line with the objectives of the company.
We will now put together the detailed content of the training and personalise some specific examples. Within our team we will discuss the optimal format and the need for documentation and access to our learning platform. We are now ready to put together our detailed proposal for content and budget.
In order to achieve maximum interactivity between participants and trainer, the number of participants is limited to approximately 12 people for classical workshops and to +-8 people for digital workshops.
An in-company training course is organised in the premises of your company or at a location chosen by the company. It is important for the participants to be able to fully concentrate on discussing the logistics concepts without too much interruptions as well for the classical trainings as for the digital workshops. . A training course within the walls of the company may have the advantage that certain points of interest can be viewed and discussed together with the instructor on site.
When realising an in-company training course, a price is charged per performed manday both for the training course and the preliminary study. For the documentation and the access to our learning platform we charge in addition a price per participant.